Tips for Running Tabletop Role Playing Game

By Dave Tu
Published: Nov 27, 2013 08:14 PM GMT / 
Updated: Jan 29, 2014 06:19 PM GMT

Table top RPG games is a type of game where players take the role of different characters and interact with a world that is usually similar but different than ours. It is like a computer RPG game, only the interaction is completely based on human, and the action taken by the players are not limited to those provided by a fixed interface.

Most table top RPG have a person who's in charge of creating the world, story, and applying consequence to player actions based on the rule of the system. That person may be called dungeon master, story teller, game master, or various other. They basically control all elements of the game except player's action.

The following are some basic tips that I've had from running and playing table top RPG before.

1. Do not run the game as if it is a competition.

RPG is not about who win, but is about everybody having fun, some players see the game master as someone whom they have to beat, and some game master may want to show off their awesomeness by supressing the players, neither of those case is fun for anybody. Try look at it as co-operation, where the game master is creating a frame work and main arcs for a story, and the players are there to help you shape and enrich the story.

2. Let everyone shine.

People like the feeling of being useful. Players enjoy facing a challenge and have their character use their abilities to overcome challenges. It makes them feel useful. Try to create scenerio where everybody can potentially use their character and shine.

3. Very the element of the game.

RPG is not all just about combat. Very the element in the game a little bit. Introduce puzzles, social situation, peaceful solution ... etc.

4. Do not split the party.

RPG is about freedom of being able to direct your character to do what they want. However, you should do what you can to try to keep the party together (unless you have multiple game masters). Otherwise, when the party is split, those who are not part of people in action will feel bored.

5. Make the players feels like what they've done matter.

Many game masters run their RPG very rigidly. They have a plot in mind, and very specific method of how each "puzzle" should be resolved. They railroad anyone who veer off the plot, and provide undefeatble enemies. This makes the players feel powerless, and therefore no fun. Try to be more flexible, if the player is trying some interesting method to advance the plot, even if it is not the one you originally planned, at least give them something back to make them feel like they are making progress, that their characters are useful. It is even better if you can let player's action affect the world, and maybe tell them after the fact that it is their action that shape the world.

6. Use the rule, instead of being used by the rule.

RPG game rules are their to help the game master, as they provide a guideline as to how to shape the world and act in the world. But the rule is only their to help. Be flexible, if the rule does not tell you how to do something, that should not mean it cannot be done. Be creative and fair, it is okay to make up rules, as long as they are consistant and agreed by the players.

Just remember, that RPG is only a game, the main purpose is really just social interaction between people. So the most important part of playing and running a RPG is just for everybody to have fun.

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